Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Dream Shopping Spree ~ ABC Home

ABC home is one of my favorite places to browse on-line, although a lot of their stock is out of my price range, I love to dream about what I would buy if money were no object. Today we are finally having seasonal weather in Calgary, which got me thinking about relaxing on the patio drinking lemon aid under the sun and wine under the stars. I love the idea of a patio filled with lush flowers, vintage furniture, swings, and lots of hanging candles and white lights to creates a eclectic, inviting setting for the summer ahead.

 1.Vintage Metal Garden Chair 2. Turkish tea light holder 3. The Coran Shop barrel swing 4. Vintage Suzani pillow 5. Vintage blue hardware cabinet 6. Stoneware planter

*Not a sponsored post*

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